How inaccessible and expensive a smile costs.
With aligner and other dental kits Rata offers, Rata aspires to leave a less carbon footprint by providing sustainable product options. The improvements in a customer's experience bind together the brand's proposition in bringing about the future of dentistry in the country. And at the tip of the brand's spear is Rata's tagline: "Dental Experience, Reimagined."
We take a look at the product Rata is most known for, which is teeth aligners. Observing the shape of an aligner takes an interesting, literal turn. From the angle above, the shape of an aligner can be seen as a U. This rather welds the dots between the center product of Rata and how it wants to focus on the customer's experience – you. As the brand centers itself around 'U', 'U' becomes how Rata does things and presents itself visually. The 'U' element is thoroughly expressed in the brand's product naming system (such as Rata's UWhite and UBrush) and its graphic elements. We refined the existing Rata brand identity, tying all elements in a proper design system with a lively look and feel.
To break through Rata's old boundaries, Rata envisions a comprehensive dental care kit experience by embracing new territories – areas beyond teeth aligners. Teeth whitening kit, electric toothbrush, aligner cleaner, all future packaging needs to be simple and consistent with clear information hierarchy.
These new territories also include an expansive and inclusive brand architecture that allows sub-brands for a specific target segment. With Rata's presence, brand identity for these sub-brands owns complementary elements that cater to and speak to each of their audience.
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*Image courtesy of Microsoft. All rights reserved