The hopscotch game is a game well-remembered from our childhood. The game comes in diverse patterns, possibly different in varied countries or regions of the world. We took this advantageous opportunity from the versatility that the hopscotch patterns give us, and made it into something more appropriate for our idea – with 12 boxes of the year that form a rabbit head figure to “hop” onto.
The hanzi of the word ‘rabbit’ 兔子 (read: Tùzǐ) is another element we looked into. Playing around with the two hanzi characters, we shaped it to resemble the number ‘23’ while keeping the fluidity of water in its shape’s dynamics. Rounded, liquidy, and a bit wonky, the traits gave a nod to the water rabbit, which defined our approach to Hopescotch’s logotype.
The scroll calendar is printed on Tyvek, with an acrylic rod on its end to keep steady as folks go through the year. Through Hopescotch, we hope to prosper by starting the steps with good feet. The water rabbit inspired us to simply believe our fate is not decided by prophecies, but by our efforts and dreams.
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*Image courtesy of Microsoft. All rights reserved