Quite a while back in 2019, one of our designers, Leo, started to capture candid seconds of our office life through the lens of his film camera. We have been looking forward ever since, as this would take us back in time to nail down things that we have done for that last few weeks, sometimes without realizing that we have enjoyed that much of a particular moment just until we look back. We value this honest expression so much that now and then everyone will hint each other to act naturally every time someone happens to notice the presence of Leo's camera.
We pick up a few bits of our favorites that, due to the nature of its vintage color and our longing for social activities during this very time, already feels like they were taken a few ages ago.
These are memories of our roadtrip to the neighboring city of Bogor. We got lost on our way to the rafting site, so far away to a remote place that somebody (we won't mention) thought we were kidnapped. We ate a lot, drank a lot, but most importantly, laughed a lot.
We love celebrations! There is not a single birthday we miss, and with that comes Mrs. Lia's Rollingpin personalized cakes that bring even more happiness to the table. No Rollingpin, no party rollin'! Even writing this makes our mouth water.
We as well celebrate Christmas, Halloween, graduation, to the one we least favored like farewells. But just last year, we had to celebrate Christmas and farewell both at the same time.
Our big family consists of not only them whom we meet every day at the office, but also our past interns and employees. Even if we don't know each other at first, we will be like "Yo, you are the one who made this poster, right? Yeah, I love your work!" and there we go.
Other times, we would just fill our belly with foods and foods and more foods. Some of our favorites are Tahu Kriuk, Ayam Cabe Ijo, and Wednesday Wing Stop day. These will be the last part for our first Newslett*r throwback edition. It will probably be a while until we can post another one, but until then, stay safe!
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*Image courtesy of Microsoft. All rights reserved